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중국 비즈니스 환경 조사 리포트(2019)


중국 비즈니스 환경 조사 리포트(2019)We hope that the data included in this report will provide both governments with an accurate and nuanced view of the experiences our member companies are having on the ground in China, and thereby help to inform the negotiators regarding the issues of greatest importance to our members. Yes, there are challenges — many longstanding, and many past commitments remain unfulfilled. That said, China is still a critically important market for many American companies, and the bilateral economic relationship is too important to not get right. As you will see in the following pages, the recent US-China tensions have led 89% of our members to adopt a pessimistic view regarding the bilateral trade relationship. Rising geopolitical uncertainties have led close to one quarter of our members to delay investments in China. But bright prospects for domestic consumption and a modestly improved investment environment have helped China remain a top investment destination globally, meaning that it remains as important as ever for the two sides to continue their efforts to move the relationship onto a more solid footing.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

2019 Survey Methodology


Growth Outlook and Opportunities

Investment Outloo

Business Challenges

Human Resources

Regulatory Environment

Innovation and IPR



Region : CHINA

Publish Date : 2019

Language :chineseenglish

Form : general

Document :pdf

KRW 1,300,000
Save aid : AmCham China

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